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Contact us.
(206) 954-1777

Bellingham, WA



Why did you create Made In Quarantine?

Made In Quarantine is a creation of necessity. When the COVID-19 epidemic hit Washington and businesses bagan to close their doors we found ourselves with a lot of creativity and nowhere to channel it. As we heard these amazing stories of how local companies and community members were doing their part to help in the COVID-19 response effort the idea came to create a series documenting these stories, and Made In Quarantine was born.

What does responsible storytelling look like?

When we began putting together this series social distancing and responsible filmmaking were at the top of our minds. To minimize contact and impact, we limited our scope to stories within a two-mile radius, limited and our film crew to two people, and conducted all interviews over video chat.

How did you decide who would be featured in this series?

To find these stories we tapped into our networks, asking our friends, family members, neighbors, coworkers, mail carriers, and just about everyone else what they’ve heard. Word-of-mouth, social media, and local news articles have helped point us in the right direction, and we’re still looking for stories!


Who paid for this project?

While Soulcraft Allstars normally does client work, Made In Quarantine is an entirely self-funded project. Being put together on a shoestring budget, the local filmmakers and artists who helped put this project together graciously donated their time and expertise to deliver this series to our community.

What other work does Soulcraft Allstars do?

Soulcraft Allstars is a full-service storytelling agency helping clients all over the world share their stories. With clients ranging from Amazon Kindle and Microsoft to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Seattle Foundation, Soulcraft Allstars has a passion for working with organizations with a strong social purpose.